Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Some Popular Adventure Books For Your Perusal

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By Juanita Lopez-Medina

Do you know about "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". It is one of the most famous adventure books in the market. It is a book authored by J. K. Rowling and Mary Grandpre. Harry Potter, an 11-year old boy is seen as the hero.

Among other pirate stories that are written in English, "Treasure Island" appears to be one of the most successful. Characters in "Treasure Island" include Jim Hawkins, Captain Smollett, Squire Trelawney and Ben Gunn. Lessons in the book include the following: teaching people about friendship and helping people appreciate courage and honor.

Mark Twain is known to be an author of good books and "the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" is certainly not an exception. In fact, it is among the proud contenders of the Great American Novel. It talks about an experience in the Mississippi Valley.

William Goldmann did a wonderful job in his book, "the Princess Bride". It affects young ones who think that a happy married life is guaranteed when two prominent individuals are matched. Just like the princess, many people have been disappointed to find out that the notions they had before marriage are not exactly true.

"The Last Olympian" is written by Rick Riordan, another great author in literature. It talks about the battle between the half bloods and the titans. It features Krono's army, the evil titan's power and the monster Typhon.

Adventure books like "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" are thrilling. In this one, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy began their adventure when they made their way to the magic wardrobe. It is a book that is appreciated by several Narnia fans. The author of this one is C. S. Lewis.

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