Tuesday, December 11, 2012

How To Make Your Job A Calling

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By Allen Cardoza

Monday, December 4th, 2012

Interview by Allen Cardoza

Two professors of psychology, Bryan Dik Phd and Ryan Duffy Phd who authored a book entitled "Make Your Job A Calling," were interviewed by Allen Cardoza from Answers for the Family on Los Angeles Talk Radio Show regarding why it is very important for young people to decide to view their job as a calling.

The study carried out by Bryan includes examining the mindset necessary for discovering significant work. In 2010, he won the Earlier Career Award from the Society for Vocational Psychology

The research carried out by Ryan centers on positive psychology and vocational psychology. Also, he is an editorial board member of the journals Counseling Psychology and Career Assessment.

Make Your Work a Calling

During the interview, the two professors swiftly pointed out that when work is viewed as a calling, it assumes an entire new flavor. Most people view their jobs either as a method to move up a status ladder or as a method to make a living or pass time. Individuals who work in order to make a living or to pass time generally do only what is required to maintain their jobs, while people who work in order to move a status ladder are usually more interested in making money and achieving influence than in making the world a better place. However, a third option is available: people can view their jobs as a calling. This means using one's natural gifts and abilities to enhance people's lives either indirectly or directly. Individuals who select this path experience higher job satisfaction for the reason that they focus on helping their communities.

The interview covered a broad spectrum of questions about what a teenager needs to do to find the right calling. For instance, Cardoza asked how teenagers could identify a calling and what options remained for a high school student who did not focus on good grades and could not get into a college of their choice. He also asked whether the interests that spurred a sense of calling remained stable over time and whether a part-time job or an internship was advisable.


One essential decision young men and women need to make is whether to enter the work force or go to college. But, earlier than this, they have to decide on the most appropriate vocational calling. The discussion went over a a number of issues about the process of deciding why teens ought to view their jobs as a calling, how an individual can select their best calling, and the best way to take action on a chosen job path.

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